Minutemen Shock and Awe in Green Valley, AZ
This past weekend the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps quietly slipped into position in the small southern AZ town of Green Valley. It was true Shock and Awe for Green Valley residents. And it didn't take long for the word to get around. Many residents stopped by to thank us for our work, and others just stopped by to say "hi" after hearing from their neighbors, "The Minutemen are here". But as the fanfare died down, and the famous Arizona Sunset faded away, the seriousness of the problem in Green Valley came to light. Right at sunset, the first Illegal Alien walked up to one of our posts and gave himself up. He needed medical attention, due to heat stroke, and before long we had the local fire dept and Border Patrol on scene.

As Border patrol was finishing up with this first Illegal Alien, a dark tinted SUV approached from the East. Seeing all of the minutemen and the Border Patrol, the "coyote" driving the SUV veered his SUV off the road, and all the occupants bailed out of the vehicle and fled on foot near our furthest east post. The BP agent on scene quickly arrived at the abandoned SUV and set out tracking the IA's on foot. Within a few minutes, he marched 6 IA's back out to the road for a new pickup ride. Only this time it would be in a Border Patrol Vehicle. The Border Patrol agent also confiscated the load vehicle and had it towed away.

The excitement of the night had just began to set in when just after dark 2 more IA's walked up the above trail and gave up upon seeing Minutemen standing post. Border Patrol was quickly summoned, and 2 more were in custody of Border Patrol.

The night didn't end up without a few more IA's being surprised by our posts. We definitely want to put out a big thank you to the great Border Patrol agents of the Nogales Sector who responded within 5 minutes every time we called. These agents definitely earn their money. They were very happy to see us there, and we too were happy to see them there.

As of today, Tuesday, the Minutemen are still the talk of the town in Green Valley. And I only have one thing to say, "We'll be back!"
Tucson Chapter Leader
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