Minutemen take on "Devils Pass"
Amado, AZ - Members of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Tucson Chapter backpacked into the mountains south of Tucson this past weekend for a routine scouting mission. Our intel led us to believe this area was a hotbed for illegal alien smuggling, and we were right! As we were cutting sign and documenting the evidence of illegal smuggling, we soon saw first hand what was going on.

We immediately called Border Patrol and gave them a report of what was going on. Border Patrol dispatched agents and a Blackhawk helicopter with in a few minutes, and the chase was on.

We later heard that all 31 had been apprehended by Border Patrol and were on their way to the Tucson Station for processing and then immediate deportation back to Mexico.

The signs of thousands of people coming thru this area was evident everywhere we looked. We found over a dozen trails, all with fresh sign on them. In the picture below, those are all footprints

We then settled in for an eving in the desert with one of those famous Arizona sunsets!

Another day in the books for the Tucson Chapter of MCDC.
Lance Altherr
Tucson Chapter Leader
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Phone: 520-481-3672
Email: Tucsonmm@msn.com