Opening weekend report from Arizona April 02, 2007
105 regular volunteers registered and participated in the first 60 hours of border observation shifts.
23 supervisors managed the operation, set up camp, etc. A total of 128 volunteers have worked in one capacity or another.
Opening ceremonies included a fly over of our two Minuteman airplanes.
First lines set at 5 pm Saturday night. Post 10 Bravo line discovered the body of a deceased male 60 feet from their post - he had crawled under a bush in a small wash, he appeared to have broken his leg and was left behind by the Coyote to die.
As of this morning:
398 suspected illegal aliens were observed crossing Minuteman observation lines.
135 were confirmed apprehended by Border Patrol.
7 legitimate life saving rescues of individuals who had no water and no food including a 7 year-old child.
The Altar Valley is being overrun and that is confirmed by Border Patrol agents on the ground as well as by 2 field supervisors who pledged more support of our efforts during the April operation. Agents have responded to most of our calls for assistance but they stated that they are being overrun and have only 35 agents in the field during any one shift. Saturday night Border Patrol did support our calls for assistance with a helicopter when we reported multiple groups totaling over 100 suspected illegal aliens. Border Patrol warned us that the violence is escalating. On Sunday afternoon Border Patrol agents were shot at by suspected drug dealers just 10 miles south of our operation. Governor Napolitano seems to have more concern for the war in Iraq, and global warming than she does for the war raging along our southern border in Arizona.

Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps