Democrat Congress Committed to Killing US Border Fence
Minuteman Border Fence is the only real barrier being built.
TheDemocrat led Congress applauded President George W. Bush’s State of the Union Address last evening that offers no new plan for resolving the existing border security crisis plaguing our nation. MCDC believes that inadequate funding for a fence on the U.S.-Mexico border and inadequate enforcement of current immigration laws have exacerbated the problem, yet instead of calling on Congress to increase enforcement, the President demanded passage of amnesty legislation under the guise of “comprehensive immigration reform.”
SOMEONE needs to do something -- and now, someone IS: the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps is building a REAL border fence along the U.S.-Mexico border!
The fence is funded entirely by your donations -- and with your support we can demonstrate the feasibility of securing the border by building fencing that will NOT let the politicians continue to leave thousands of miles of unguarded entry gate to our country wide open.
Donate NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
VOLUNTEER NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
The Minuteman Border Fence groundbreaking was held in Arizona on Memorial Day weekend 2006. Then as now, President Bush refused to deploy empowered National Guard and reserve troops to secure America’s out-of-control southern border with Mexico.
That day Ambassador Alan Keyes said “We stand on ground that was not first claimed by the American government -- it was first claimed by the courage, the ingenuity, the perseverance of the American people.”
With that same American courage, ingenuity and perseverance, the Minuteman Border Fence is being installed on private ranches along the border near towns like Bisbee, Naco and Palominas, Arizona.
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14’ High Fence Creates a Real US Border Mile long Minuteman Fence Site
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Minutemen Volunteers from New Mexico, Arizona, South Dakota, New York, Wisconsin, Idaho, California and Colorado, work 5 days a week.
The Minuteman Border Fence was created to put steel in the ground and demonstrate the feasibility and affordability of securing the border by building a fence barrier. As a part of the Minuteman Movement, the grassroots initiative that seeks to secure America's sovereign territory against incursion, invasion, and terrorism, this is a wholly citizen-led, volunteer-driven effort -- which needs YOUR committed participation!
Donate NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
VOLUNTEER NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
As we can see AGAIN from the latest reports from Arizona and Capitol Hill, the United States is under siege by forces and interests that have the capacity, over time, to destroy our great experiment of responsible self-government -- and the U.S. Government is deliberately closing its eyes to this great danger.
The new Congress will likely succeed at undoing federal law passed to build 700 miles of fence, leaving the Minuteman Border Fence the only real barrier being built. It is therefore imperative that the people of the United States support and build the Minuteman Border Fence.
As Congressman Tom Tancredo said, "The thing that's in the greatest jeopardy right now is the fence, because they do have the appropriations process and that's probably the one they can stop."
It is up to you through your donations to demonstrate the feasibility of securing the border by building real fence sections now.
Donate NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
VOLUNTEER NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
Supporters of the MCDC are organizing as citizen volunteers, to safeguard our beloved nation from violence, from sedition, from wholesale attack by those who do not love America and wish to see her destroyed or incurably altered from a nation of liberty, equality, and justice, and a bastion of western civilization. The Minutemen are recruiting and training volunteer citizens who will stand as patriots for the promise that is, and ever has been, America -- to watch vigilantly along our frontiers, and to build a security fence.
If you are concerned about the chaos upon our broken borders, if you believe America should welcome legal immigration but reject colonization and Balkanization, then we need to join together to help the Minutemen secure the future of our nation for the American people and her posterity.
A GREAT start is to build a REAL border fence along the Mexican border… to help STOP the armed “incursions” like the latest one in Arizona, and help FORCE our feckless federal government to recognize the need to protect American citizens and territory!
We have a monumental challenge ahead to raise $55 million. We urgently need your help for this effort to succeed. With your help MCDC can make America more secure by continuing to empower citizen volunteers in their active support of the Minuteman Border Fence.
Be sure to send this to EVERYONE you know who wants to help STOP illegal aliens at the border! Thank you!
Donate NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
VOLUNTEER NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
Go and join with us TODAY.
Sincerely for America,
Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps