Minuteman Border Fence
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U.S. Senate to Scrap Border Fence

Secure Fence Act of 2006 Still not Signed!

Members of Hezbollah have already entered America across the Southwest border.

ONLY the Minutemen are building U.S. Border Fence!

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The United States government admits that it does not have operational control of our borders.

“On Memorial Day weekend 2006, U.S. citizens of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps exercised their God-given rights to protect their lives and property by initiating construction of the Minuteman Border Fence along the U.S. border on private land, to demonstrate that a border fence can be built and does work. Congress seemed to get the message, and with your support and pressure passed the Secure Fences Act of 2006.

NOW the U.S. Senate is about to scrap the 700-mile fence on the U.S.-Mexican border and thumb its nose at the majority of Americans who are demanding border security?

At the same time a Homeland Security Report Confirms Hezbollah Has Already Entered through the Porous Mexico-U.S. Border.

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The report confirms:

  • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigations have revealed that aliens were routed from the Middle East to staging areas in Central and South America, before being smuggled illegally into the United States
  • Members of Hezbollah have already entered the United States across the Southwest border.
  • U.S. military and intelligence officials believe that Venezuela is emerging as a potential hub of terrorism in the Western Hemisphere. The Venezuelan government is issuing identity documents that could subsequently be used to obtain a U.S. visa and enter our country.

For a copy of the report titled A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest Border, please visit Congressman Tancredo's website at: http://tancredo.house.gov/irc/welcome.htm

That's the buzz in Washington, DC.

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But didn't Congress pass the Secure Fences Act of 2006 authorizing funds for that fence? And didn't the President sign it into law?

No... That is just a nice election year fable.

Here is the truth…

Yes, the Secure Fences Act of 2006 which passed both houses of Congress -- is sitting in some “In Box”... if it has reached the White House, it must be lost on President Bush's desk!

The President did sign an appropriations bill that allocates $1.2 billion in funding to the Department of Homeland Security – funds that you and your fellow Americans were led to believe was earmarked for the construction of the fence!

The truth??!!! Read that appropriations bill and discover they authorized $1.2 billion ON AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT BILL which DOESN'T HAVE TO BE SPENT ON THE FENCE AT ALL!

If the AMNESTY and OPEN BORDERS politicians win the majority in the House, the amnesty flood of illegal aliens over the border will surely inundate our nation.

Our borders are not secured and our grossly undermanned Border Patrol will continue to be overwhelmed. The chain migration of family members of those who have entered America illegally from throughout the world, who will then be eligible to sponsor in their family members also is an invasion. And so it will continue until America is colonized and balkanized, and no longer “from many nations, one people,” but instead a polyglot, factionalized mess of competing, even warring, international special interests with divided loyalties.

This is a national security disaster of catastrophic proportions and an unsustainable burden upon taxpaying American citizens. We will be the ones who pick up the tab for social programs, education, criminal incarceration, and the fallout from gangs and terrorists coming across the border – and those already in our country.

Our Minutemen volunteers continue to stand watch at the border, build border fence, be active in sustaining and securing their local communities – and vigilant in seeing their national leaders do the job of protecting our borders.

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VOLUNTEER to Build the Minuteman Border Fence

Fences Do Work!

Fences in San Diego, California have effectively reduced illegal alien apprehensions from 202,000 in 1992 to less than 9,000 in 2004.

Fence posts being installed Bisbee, AZ at the Hodges Ranch 10/12/2006.

The Volunteers of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps continue to build security fences and vehicle barriers on private land using private donations, which have vastly diminished illegal intruders in our sectors. A multi-level design which includes anti-climb fencing, fiber-optic fencing, vehicle barriers and camera systems to observe and report will allow thousands of Minutemen to monitor the border day and night, 365 days a year.

Give what you can TODAY! Our project will PROVE to the federal government what they cannot seem to learn any other way – by successful citizen initiative and educational demonstration. FENCES MAKE GOOD NEIGHBORS!

Your continued help and support is needed TODAY! We can only build as much fence as your contributions will fund!

Select Here to Donate NOW and Build the Minuteman Border Fence

VOLUNTEER to Build the Minuteman Border Fence

Donate now and join those who have already added their name with an individualized metal name plaque to the Minuteman Border Fence.